Our Goal is To Get Your Life Back To Normal

Criminal charges can mess with your head, we make sure that you get back to your life, before the charges.

Mr. Gonzalez's mission in criminal defense cases is to get his clients back on track. He understands that being accused of a crime can be a traumatic and life-altering experience. With his expertise and unwavering commitment, Mr. Gonzalez strives to protect his clients' rights, restore their reputation, and help them move forward from the turmoil of criminal charges. By diligently navigating the legal process and mounting a robust defense, he aims to get his clients back to their normal lives with a sense of justice and peace of mind.

DWI/DUI Defense

If you're facing DWI/DUI charges, Attorney Daniel Gonzalez is your steadfast advocate. With his extensive experience in criminal defense, including DWI/DUI cases, Mr. Gonzalez fights to protect your constitutional rights and navigate complex legal proceedings.

Drug Offenses

If you're facing Possession charges, Attorney Daniel Gonzalez will advocate for you. With his extensive experience, which has resulted in successful defenses in his clients Possession charges, Mr. Gonzalez will provide fierce advocacy.


If you're facing a misdemeanor assualt charge, Attorney Daniel Gonzalez is your attorney and counselor at law. With his extensive experience in criminal defense, including various types of assualt charges, Mr. Gonzalez will provide a strong defense and representation.

Theft and Property Crimes

If you're facing theft, criminal tresspass or criminal mischief charges, Attorney Daniel Gonzalez can help. With his experience in representing hundreds of clients with criminal chrages, Mr. Gonzalez will defend you.

Attorney Daniel Gonzalez also represents clients in various other misdemeanor criminal charges. He also represents clients, including juveniles with pending criminal charges. If you have a pending criminal charge, Attorney Gonzalez is here to help.

Tell me about your case

We’re here to guide you so that these charges against you don’t affect your future. There’s uncertainty amid criminal cases, I’m here to get your life back to normal.

*Your submission of an intake request form does not guarantee that Attorney Daniel Gonzalez will take your case or provide legal advice. You must be offered and sign a representation agreement with the firm before you will receive any legal advice.