Daniel Gonzalez

Born into a family deeply rooted in the practice of law, the pursuit of justice has always coursed through the veins of Daniel Gonzalez. From an early age, Mr. Gonzalez felt the calling to carry on the noble legacy of his family and become an attorney. His unwavering determination and fervent passion led him on a path of exemplary education and invaluable experiences.

Today, Mr. Gonzalez's legal repertoire encompasses various areas of law, yet he holds a particular focus on criminal defense and personal injury cases. Guided by an unwavering belief in the power of second chances, he dedicates himself to ensuring that every individual receives the fairest and most favorable outcome, so that their past does not hinder their future. In the realm of personal injury cases, he fearlessly confronts insurance companies driven by greed, resolutely striving to secure settlements that are just and equitable, leaving no room for anything less.

If you find yourself in need of a tenacious advocate, look no further than Daniel Gonzalez.
With a profound sense of duty and an unyielding commitment to justice, he will fervently fight by your side, empowering you to navigate the complexities of the legal system and emerge with the outcome you deserve. Contact Attorney and Counselor at Law, Daniel Gonzalez, and rest assured that you will have a champion in your corner, unwaveringly fighting for your rights.

After graduating from the distinguished University of Texas at Austin, where he simultaneously excelled in English and Political Science, Mr. Gonzalez embarked on his legal journey at St. Mary's University School of Law. There, he dedicated himself to his studies and emerged with a Juris Doctor degree, a testament to his relentless pursuit of knowledge and understanding.

Throughout his time at St. Mary's, Mr. Gonzalez immersed himself in meaningful and impactful endeavors. As a proud member of The Scholar, St. Mary's Law Review on Race and Social Justice, he ardently delved into issues that bridge the gap of inequality and advocated for fairness and equality under the law. Additionally, he seized the opportunity to gain invaluable real-world experience through his active participation in the Criminal Justice Clinic, assiduously honing his courtroom skills in Bexar County.

Despite the allure of countless legal arenas, Mr. Gonzalez's heart was always set on returning to his cherished community in the Rio Grande Valley. It was in this bustling tapestry of diverse cultures and backgrounds that he yearned to serve his fellow residents as a steadfast legal practitioner.

Get a Consultation

Schedule an initial consultation to have Attorney Daniel Gonzalez evaluate your situation.

*Your submission of an intake request form does not guarantee that Attorney Daniel Gonzalez will take your case or provide legal advice. You must be offered and sign a representation agreement with the firm before you will receive any legal advice.